Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

Worm 3 Version 2.0.0 Free APK For Android

worm 3 for android


DEAL yourself the advantage with a new, game-changing enhancement. Turn on the card mode and alter the start and end of each turn by the playing of strategic cards.

COLLECT in-game rewards that allow you to purchase bronze, silver and gold cards. Build your deck from 41 fiendishly designed cards!

  • Version 2.0.0

  • 129 MB

  • For Android 2.3 and above

Download Links

Installation Guide:

  • Download both files.

  • Install Worm 3.APK into your device.

  • Extract Worm 3.OBB.

  • Copy and paste extracted OBB folder into your android, \sdcard\Android\obb (how-to copy game OBB folder into Android OBB folder).

  • Kamis, 11 September 2014

    How to Root Bluestack

    Print First you need a few files to be downloaded onto your computer:

    1. Bluestack (Download Page)

    2. Bluestack MultiTool v1.21r1 (valid for Bluestack version 0.812 and below) (Download and extract)

    3. BSNetBlocker version 1.0.3. (Download and extract)

    4. (Just download, don’t need to extract)


    Rooting guide:

    1. Install the Bluestack (Make sure you install the 0.812 version or below, go to Bluestack download page above).

    2. Block the Bluestack Internet Connection by using the BSNetBlocker (Run as Administration).


    3. Put the in the same folder as BSMultiTool.exe.


    4. Run the Bluestack Multitool (Run as Administration).

    5. Choose option 1 and follow the instructions.


    6. Wait for the rooting process finished, and your Bluestack should have been rooted.

    Selasa, 02 September 2014

    Real Racing 3 version 2.5.0 Unlimited Money and Gold for Android

    real racing hack

    Real Racing 3 version 2.5.0 hack features:

    • Unlimited money

    • Unlimited gold

    • Shopping without pay

    • and Low risk of being banned in game.

    Installation guide:

    • Download the .APK via the link below.

    • Copy .APK file into your Android device (If you download using PC or other device).

    • Uninstall Real Racing 3 if you have installed in your device.

    • Install the .APK into your device, before that make sure you enabled “Unknown Sources” (In setting>security>unknown source).

    • Launch the game and wait until it finishes update.

    • Log in with your ID and you good to play.

    How to get the unlimited money and gold:

    • Just spend your money and your gold to upgrade or buy car. When you buy something worth 100gold, instead of reduce your gold this mod APK will add 100gold into your account.


    Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

    How to Auto Search Loots and Simulate/Test Attack on Enemy in Clash of Clans

    Here I will show how to search your desired amount of loots (Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir) and do a simulate or test attack on enemy in Clash of Clans. Before this I use a China app to do this, now the app come in English language.

    Note: This app only work on ROOTED DEVICE only.

    Download and install XModGames from Playstore (While Available) for this trick.

    For first time user make sure you follow the below steps:


    1) Launch the XModGames and tap on the Clash of Clans (Tap on the logo) and install the mod.

    2) Now you good to use the mod function. Make sure every time you want to use the functions launch the Clash of Clans from XModGames app. Launch the Clash of Clans.

    Note – Make sure always launch Clash of Clan from Xmod to use this function

    Search Auto Loots



    To search your desired amount of loots, first tap on the blue Robot on right side of your screen, then tap on XMod button on the blue menu box . Set the desired amount of gold, elixir, and dark elixir. Make sure you don’t have shield while doing this, and while doing this your gold will reduce same as normal search. Your gold may drain to zero if the search not found your desired loots, make sure not set to high value.

    Tap the search switch to start the auto search.

    Simulate/Test Attack


    This simulate/test attack or called as sandbox attack can be used to test on Clan War and to revenge enemy base.This function can see how damage you can cause to the enemy, and study how to improve the attack to get 3 stars or 100% damage to your enemy base. You need to turn on the Sandbox attack first then scout the enemy base in clan war and visit enemy base defence log to start a simulation or sandbox attack.

    Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

    Keep Active in Clash of Clans Prevent From Being Raid

    Most of Clash of Clans player must be worried if their town being attack while having a lot of loots (Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir). Here I have learned a trick how to keep active in game and prevent your base being attack by enemies.


    The first trick I want to share require you to play the Clash of Clans in PC or laptop, because this trick works in Bluestack.

    First you have to download two things which are:

    1) Bluestack.

    2) Free Mouse Auto Clicker.

    You can Google these two things, download them, and install in your PC or Laptop.

    Bluestack is an App Player that can play any Android Apps on your PC or Laptop. For first time user, you need to log in your Google+ ID that you used to play Clash of Clans, and install Clash of Clans app in your bluestack via PlayStore in the Bluestack.

    Free Mouse Auto Clicker is an automatic clicker that can click certain location on your screen. This the one will make your base keep active. After finished install, open Clash of Clans in Bluestack, open Free Mouse Auto Clicker. Set the suitable time on Free Mouse Auto Clicker ( I usually set in for 30 seconds) and move your cursor to any collector such as gold, elixir, and dark elixir collector. Free Mouse Auto Clicker will automatically collect your loots and this will make your base keep active.


    The second trick can be use on rooted Android device, you only require to root your device and download and install XModGames app from PlayStore (While available). After finished install, open XModGames app from your device, first user need to install mod for Clash of Clans first. To install mod, follow these step below:


    1) Tap on Clash of Clans (Tap on the logo)


    2) Tap on Install Mod


    3) Mod Installed, and now you good to use the app. Every time you want to use the XModGames function for your Clash of Clans, launch the game from XModGames app or the function will not available. Launch the game from the XModGames.


    4) Tap on the Set box on the right of your device screen and a Set Menu will popup as in the image above. Tap on the Keep Ative to on the function. Now your base will keep active until you off the function or close the app by tap the menu button on your device.


    Recommended: To use bluestack on your PC or Laptop, by keep active using your device will make it hot and drain your battery.

    Reminder: To use the XModGames function your need to launch Clash of Clans from XModGames.

    Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

    Level 36 symblCrowd Logo Quiz Ultimate Answers

    Level 36 symblCrowd logo quiz answer hint are as follows:

    1805: 1: Windenergiebranche: wind power industry: 0: les entreprises du secteur de l'énergie éolienne.

    1805: 2: Wartung von Windkraftanlagen: maintenance of wind turbines: 0: entretien des parcs d'éoliennes.

    1806: 1: Maschinenbauunternehmen: mechanical engineering company: 0: entreprise mécanique.

    1806: 2: produziert Robotik und Anlagenbau: produces robotics and plant: 0: Robotique produits et installations.

    1807: 1: freie JavaScript-Bibliothek: free JavaScript library: 0: bibliothèque JavaScript libre.

    1807: 2: DOM-Navigation und -Manipulation: DOM navigation and manipulation: 0: navigation DOM et la manipulation.

    1808: 1: lifestyle- und Fitness-Magazin für Männer: lifestyle and fitness magazine for men: 0: mode de vie et de fitness magazine pour des hommes.

    1808: 2: Deutschland Verlag Rodale-Motor-Presse: published by Rodale Inc. in Emmaus, Pennsylvania: 0: Axel Springer, France.

    1809: 1: britisches Schiffbauunternehmen: British shipbuilding company: 0: entreprise de construction navale britannique.

    1809: 2: produziert Motoryachten: produces motor yachts: 0: Yachts à moteur produits.

    1810: 1: spanisches Bekleidungsgeschäft: Spanish clothes store: 0: magasin espagnol.

    1810: 2: Zielgruppe junges Publikum: target group youngsters: 0: groupe cible des jeunes.

    1811: 1: fliegendes Radarsystem: airborne radar picket system: 0: système de radar de vol.

    1811: 2: Luftraumaufklärung und -überwachung: airborne air surveillance and monitoring: 0: surveillance de l'air dans l'air.

    1812: 1: britische Luxuswaren nach Gründer benannt: luxury goods company named after founder: 0: société britannique de produits de luxe porte nom du fondeur.

    1812: 2: verkaufte früher tabakwaren: used to sell tobacco products: 0: vendu des produits du tabac.

    1813: 1: Agrargenossenschaft von Landwirte: agricultural cooperative of growers: 0: coopérative agricole des producteurs.

    1813: 2: Cranberry-Sauce und Fruchtsaftprodukte: cranberry sauce and fruit juices prdoucts: 0: produits: la sauce de canneberge et jus de fruits.

    1814: 1: amerikansiche WC-Reiniger Marke: American brand of toilet cleaner: 0: marque du nettoyant WC.

    1814: 2: erhielt Namen durch Kauf von ""The Drackett Unternehmen"": obtained name through purchase of ""The Drackett Unternehmen"": 0: nommé par l'achat de ""The Drackett Unternehmen"".

    1815: 1: Hersteller von Reinigungsgeräte und -systemen: manufacturer of cleaning equipment and systems: 0: Fabricant de matériel de nettoyage et des systèmes.

    1815: 2: Weltmarktführer: world leader: 0: chef de file mondial.

    1816: 1: Roman von John Ronald Reuel Tolkien: Novel by JRR Tolkien: 0: Roman de JRR Tolkien.

    1816: 2: Bestseller Fantasy Roman: bestseller fantasy novel: 0: best-seller roman fantastique.

    1817: 1: Third-Person-Shooter Computerspiel: Third-Person-Shooter video game: 0: jeu vidéo d'action.

    1817: 2: New-Yorker Dedektiv Hauptfigur des Spiels: new yorker detective main actor: 0: l´histoire s´agit sur un policier new-yorkais.

    1818: 1: Internet-Verkaufsportal für Computerprogramme: internet sells portal for computer programms: 0: plateforme de téléchargement d'applications.

    1818: 2: aufgebaut wie iTunes Stores: similar structured as iTunes Stores: 0: structuré comme iTunes.

    1819: 1: holländische Modefirma: Dutch youth fashion company: 0: maison de mode hollondaise.

    1819: 2: produziert hauptsächlich Kleidung für Männer: primarily manufacture men's clothing: 0: produit principalement des vêtements pour les hommes.

    1820: 1: Reinigungsgerätefirma: household and cleaning products company: 0: société de nettoyage.

    1820: 2: Fenstertuch: window cloth: 0: chiffon de fenêtre.

    1821: 1: Geschicklichkeitsspiel: strategy game: 0: jeux d'adresse.

    1821: 2: entfernen von Holzblöcken eines erbauten Turm: removing one block at a time from a built tower: 0: retirer les pièces en bois d´une tour construite.

    1822: 1: dänische Online-Investmentbank: Danish Investment Bank: 0: banque d'investissement en ligne danoise.

    1822: 2: Devisen online: online broker: 0: courtier en bourse en ligne.

    1823: 1: Puzzle Computerspiel: puzzle video game: 0: jeux de vidéo puzzle.

    1823: 2: entwickelt von Rovio Entertainment: developed by Rovio Entertainment: 0: développé de Rovio Entertainment.

    1824: 1: tragbare Spielekonsole: portable games console: 0: console de jeux portable.

    1824: 2: erstmalig 2011 verkauft: first sold in 2011: 0: premièrement vendu en 2011.

    1825: 1: zweite Tennisturnier der Grand-Slam-Turniere: second tennis tournament of four annual Grand Slams: 0: l'un des quatre tennis tournois du Grand Chelem.

    1825: 2: Stadium in Paris: stadion in Paris: 0: stade à Paris.

    1826: 1: Fernsehsendung auf MTV: TV serie on MTV: 0: serie sur MTV.

    1826: 2: alte Autos wieder fahrtüchtig umbauen: tuning of old cars: 0: améloirer la performance et style d´une voiture cassée.

    1827: 1: Eifler Rennstrecke: German racetrack: 0: circuit automobile.

    1827: 2: Eröffnung 1927: inauguration 1927: 0: inauguration 1927.

    1828: 1: Elektronik- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen: electronic and service company: 0: fournisseur de services en mécanique électronique.

    1828: 2: Marken: Thomson, RCA, Grass Valley: brands: Thomson, RCA, Grass Valley: 0: maruqe: Thomson, RCA, Grass Valley.

    1829: 1: ehemalgies Medienunternehmen: former media company: 0: ancienne société media.

    1829: 2: Übernahme der weltgrößten Nachrichtenagentur Reuters: takeover of the wold´slargest news agency Reuters: 0: reprise de l´agence de presse Reuters.

    1830: 1: ehemalige Elektronikhersteller: formerly German manufacturer of consumer electronics: 0: ancien fabricant électronique domestque.

    1830: 2: steht symbolisch für Weltschafswunder: linked to economic miracle in Germany: 0: fondé en 1945 et racheté par le groupe turc Beko.

    1831: 1: Android Uhr: Android-based smartwatch: 0: montre Android.

    1831: 2: released in 2013: kam 2013 auf den Markt: 0: sorti en 2013.

    1832: 1: Pizzaservice: pizzaservice: 0: service de pizza.

    1832: 2: deutsches Franchiseunternehmen: German Franchiseenterprise: 0: entreprise franchise allemande.

    1833: 1: spanische Orangenlimonade: Spnaish soft drink: 0: boisson espagnole.

    1833: 2: gehört Pepsico seit 1970 an: owned by Pepsico since 1970: 0: rachetée par Pepsico.

    1834: 1: Hersteller von Mischgewürzen: manufacturer of mixed spices: 0: fabricant des épices.

    1834: 2: Gewürzketchup: spiced tomato sauce: 0: ketchup épicé.

    1835: 1: Bier mit Tequilageschmack: Tequila flavoured beer: 0: bière avec le goût du Tequila.

    1835: 2: Markenname bedeueut übersetzt: verzweifelt: brand´s name can be translated to ""desperate"": 0: la marque siginifie ""désespéré"".

    1836: 1: Drogerie-Konzern: Drugstore Group: 0: fabrique ses mêmes produits.

    1836: 2: Konkurrent zu Rossmann: competes with the German Rossmann of the same branch: 0: est en concurrence avec la filiale allemande Rossmann de la même branche.

    1837: 1: Gebäck aus USA: pastries from the States: 0: pâtisserie des États-Unis.

    1837: 2: im Toaster aufbacken: pre-baked toaster pastries: 0: pâtisserie à grille-pain.

    1838: 1: Multifunktions-Küchenmaschine: multifunctional gadget for the kitchen: 0: robot de cuisine.

    1838: 2: nicht im Handel erhätlich, nur im Direktvertrieb: produced by the German company Vorwerk: 0: vendu uniquement par vente directe.

    1839: 1: Marke für Tee und Eistee: tea and ice tea brand: 0: marque d´un thé et thé glacé.

    1839: 2: founder possesses the same name as his company: gegründet vom gleichnamigen Besitzer: 0: fondateur porte le même nom que son entreprise.

    1840: 1: Marke für Klebstoff: brand of a glue: 0: marque d´une colle.

    1840: 2: Produkt, nach Vogel benannt: product named after German bird: 0: produit est nommé d´après d´un oiseau allemand.

    1841: 1: arabische Fluggesellschaft: Arabic airline: 0: compagnie aérienne.

    1841: 2: 2000 Flugunglück auf Bahrian: crash on Bahrain in 2000: 0: accident d´avion sur Bahrian en 2000.

    1842: 1: Hersteller von Kopfhörern: manufacturer of headphone: 0: fabricant des casques.

    1842: 2: stellt hauptsächlich für outdoor action sport her: targeted at the outdoor action sports: 0: fabrique principallement des produits pour le sports en plein air.

    1843: 1: portugiesische Regionalfluggesellschaft: PortugUese regional airline: 0: compagnie aérienne portugaise.

    1843: 2: wurde als beste regionale Fluggesellschaft in Europa betitelt: received the title of ""Best Regional Airline"" in Europe: 0: nommé meilleure compagnie aérienne en Europe.

    1844: 1: Brauerei: German brewery: 0: brasserie allemande.

    1844: 2: Trendgetränk MiXery aus Bier und Cola: popular baverage, Cola flavoured beer: 0: boisson mélangée avec Cola et bière.

    1845: 1: Ehemalige spanische Fluggesellschaft: former Spanish airline: 0: ancienne compagnie aérienne.

    1845: 2: insolvent in 2012: insolvent in 2012: 0: insolvable en 2012.

    1846: 1: Brauerei: German brewery: 0: brasserie allemande.

    1846: 2: seit 2004 auch Hersteller von Säften: produces as well juices since 2004: 0: fabrique également des juis depius 2004.

    1847: 1: belgisches Bier: Belgium beer: 0: bière belge.

    1847: 2: aus der Brauerei Piedboeuf: from the brewery Piedboeuf: 0: produite par la société Piedbœuf.

    1848: 1: Neuseeländische Fluggesellschaft: New Zeeland airline: 0: compagnie aérienne néo-zélandaise.

    1848: 2: Mitglied der Luftfahrtallianz Star Alliance: member of Star Alliance: 0: membre de l´alliance Star Alliance.

    1849: 1: Hersteller von Schreibwaren: manufacturer of stationery: 0: fabricant de papeterie.

    1849: 2: Weltgrößte Hersteller von Bunt- und Bleistiften: worldwide well known for coloured pencils: 0: bien connu pour ses crayons de couleur.

    1850: 1: Triathlon: triathlon: 0: triathlon.

    42: 1850: 2: erster Wettbewerb auf Hawaii 1987: first competition on Hawaii in 1987: 0: pour la première fois à Hawai.

    1851: 1: britische Universität: British university: 0: université britannique.

    1851: 2: Eliteuniversität: elite university: 0: université prestigieuse.

    1852: 1: Hersteller von Baby- und Kleinkindspielzeug: manufacturer of toys for infants: 0: fabricant de jouet pour les petits.

    1852: 2: Tochtergesellschaft von Mattel: subsidiary of Mattel: 0: filiale de Mattel.

    1853: 1: japanischer Videospielentwickler: Japenese videogame developer: 0: révélateur du jeu vidéo japonais.

    1853: 2: Abkürzung für Capsule Computers: abbreviation for Capsule Computers: 0: abbréviation de Capsule Computer.

    1854: 1: Hersteller von Kinderspielzeug: toy manufacturer for infants: 0: fabrique des jeux pour les petits.

    1854: 2: gehört zu Hasbro: subsidiary of Hasbro: 0: filiale de Habsbro.

    Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

    Clash of Clans Hack: Sandbox Mode in Clan Wars

    For some people who did know what is SandBox Mode, SandBox Mode is where you can do a dummy attack on whoever base include your clan mates! This dummy attack will not really spend your troops, and you can trial and error to get a 3 stars in revenge, Clan Wars, and your clan mates base. In this post I will show you the SandBox Mode in Clan Wars by using Android device and xxzhushou app.

    To do this you will need to install xxzhushou app first.

    **Note: xxzhushou app only work on rooted device.

    1) Tap on the rectangle mark.





    2) Tap on number 1 then scroll the menu box to the bottom, tap the last menu to activate it (It will turn to green).


    3) To try the SandBox Mode tap on scout.


    Watch the video below to see how it works.

    Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

    How to Auto Scan an Enemy Base With Lot of Loots in Clash of Clans

    Every Clashers must have desire to attack enemy with lot of gold , elixirs, and dark elixir (usually called loots among the Clasher) to stole it from the enemy. But it something tiresome to tap on “NEXT” button many times until found the right enemy. There is one app called xxzhushou can help you to search the desire enemy base. Lets see how this app works.
    First thing you need to do/know:

    1. This app only works on rooted phone only.
    2. Download the app from
    3. This app works on Android and also iOs, but I only show way to use on Android only.
    4. If you want to use for iOs, you need to JailBreak your device.

    Ok then lets proceed to the how to use the app:
    1) Open the app, and grant the Superuser access.
    2) Tap on the Clash of Clan game inside the app:

    >>>Clash of Clan Auto-Farm – Get Millions of Gold and Elixir in a Day<<<

    >>> English version app for loot auto scan<<

    3) Tap on the Green Box bottom of the page:
    make sure it become like the image below:
    4) Open the Clash of Clan by tap one the box on the right:
    5) Three Chinese writing will appear on right side of your screen:
    Tap on the middle writing and a menu box will appear:
    There will be three more Chinese writing in the menu box, the upper is for Gold, middle for Elixir and bottom for Dark Elixir. You can enter your desire value for each of the menu.
    This is the value I desire, not recommended to put high value because it will do many auto scanning, if it not found any base it will only waste your gold.
    5) To stop the auto-scanning, tap on the upper writing on the right of your screen to change the color to green. To start again, tap it again to red color. 

    Note: I don’t understand the Chinese language, this tips is shared by my friends. You will not found an enemy base with exact value of loots you entered, the value is only a range. Watch the video below for more clear view:

    Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

    Scoring 3 Stars in Clan Wars

    In previous post I give 3 steps how to get 3 stars in Clash of Clans War . In this post I want to give the visual example of the 3 steps which is 1) Attract and Kill The King, Queen and Clan Castle Troops, 2) Destroy all Defense 3) All-out Attack in term of videos to give you a clear view of my tips how to score 3 stars in Clash of Clans War.

    Now let analyse these three videos.

    In video 1 you can see the attacker send one Giant to attract the Clan Castle Troops and also the Barbarian King, after that the attacker put some Archers to the base corner and attack the enemy’s troops there. Then the attacker put all the Hogs to attack the enemy defense, Hogs is very recommended to do this attack because they can jump over the wall and very fast. After the enemy’s defense all destroyed, the attacker add some more troops to finish the balance building. The attacker successfully gained 3 stars for the raid. Why the attacker put the Giant instead of Archer or any other troops? I can say that the reason is because the Giant has enough live to attract all the troops guarding the enemy’s base. If the attacker put the short live troops such as, Barbarian, Archers, and Wizard him need to put many of them, this can waste the troops. Instead of many, the attacker only use one giant to do the task.

    In video 2 the attacker use the same strategy, but he put one hog to attract the enemy’s troops. Hog is also efficient to attract the enemy’s troops, but I can say the hog is expensive to do this task while there is other troop more cheaper and also efficient.

    In video 3, the attacker tried to do the same strategy, but he did a careless mistake which is he did not attract all the Clan Castle Troops. This mistake caused him a problem during the defense attack, the balance enemy’s troops killed his Hogs before them finish to destroy all defense. This mistake may look small at first, but eventually the attacker did not manage to gain 3 stars on the raid because not enough time. This mistake is what you need to avoid during the raid or you also cannot gain the 3 stars.

    Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

    Tips: How to score 3 stars in Clash of Clans War

    In Clan Wars the most important is to score the most stars than your enemy to be the winner. When said about the most stars, all of your clan mates need to score three stars. If not the chances to win will be low, don't make expectation like "score at least one star is good enough". If your expectation like this you will never be a winner and never will gain the war loot because the enemy clan may score more stars than your clan. Every war need a strategy to win, let me share you some ways to score three stars in Clan Wars.

    Attract and Kill The King, Queen and Clan Castle Troops

    As you know a during Clan Wars you will be given a preparation day for 24 hours, during this day you will had a chance to donate and receive troops for the Clan Wars. Your enemy also had this chance, and they will filled up their Clan Castle with various of troops. Usually the stronger clan mate will do the most donation because they have high levelled troops, do the same to your Clan! Other than that, for Town Hall 8 and above, usually they will have Barbarian King and Archer Queen to guard their base. What you need to do first is to attract them to the edge or corner of your base and kill them fast. If not, they will kill your troops first during the attack. You can use any troops that will attack any target, don't choose troops that will attack specific target because they will avoid the enemy's troops. Watch examples here (LINK).

    Destroy all Defence

    After the enemy’s Barbarian King, Archer Queen and Clan Castle Troops all died, attack the enemy’s defence. Time is very crucial, you need to attack fast before the times up. Hog is recommended to do the attack because Hog is fast and can jump over the wall. However you still can use other troops such as Giants with combination of Healing Spell and Rage Spell to back-up your giants.

    All-out Attack

    After all defence is destroyed, place other troops like archer or barbarian in every corner of the enemy base. Don’t place the troops in one place or they will take times to destroyed the all buildings. The distributed troops will attack many building in one time, so, the chance to destroy all buildings in time is more higher.

    **Notes – I'm currently uploading the video example, after its finish upload, and do some editing to the videos I will put it in here to share with you guys.

    Selasa, 08 April 2014

    Level 35 symblCrowd Logo Quiz Ultimate Answers

    Level 35 symblCrowd logo quiz answer hint are as follows:

    1755: 1: Automobilhersteller: car manufacturer: 0: constructeur d´automobiles.

    1755: 2: ursprünglicher Firmenname: Chery Quantum Automotive Corp.: original company name: Chery Quantum Automotive Corp.: 0: nom d´entreprise à l´origine: Chery Quantum Automotive Corp..

    1756: 1: Hersteller von 3D-Druckern: Worldwide 3D ​​printer company: 0: société de l'imprimante 3D.

    1756: 2: bekannt als Entwickler des STL-Formats: known for 3D printers and STL file formats: 0: connu pour des imprimantes 3D et formats STL.

    1757: 1: Nachrichten-App für Smartphones: mobile text + voice messaging communication service: 0: application mobile de messagerie instantanée.

    1757: 2: entwickelt von Tencent: developed by Tencent: 0: lancée par Tencent.

    1758: 1: niederländisches 3D-Drucker-Unternehmen: dutch 3D printer company: 0: société néerlandaise de l'imprimante 3D.

    1758: 2: Hardware basiert auf dem RepRap-Projekt: designed with the same 3D printer: 0: conçu avec la même imprimante 3D.

    1759: 1: freie Programmbibliothek mit Algorithmen für Bildverarbeitung: free program library of algorithms for image processing: 0: Bibliothèque de programme gratuit d'algorithmes de traitement d'image.

    1759: 2: Entwicklung hauptsächlich von Willow Garage: Development mainly maintained by Willow 

    Garage: 0: Développement principalement maintenu par Willow Garage.

    1760: 1: Spieleentwickler Studio: Games development studio: 0: studio de développement de jeux.

    1760: 2: gegründet von acht ehemaligen Ubisoft Mitarbeitern: founded by eight former Ubisoft employees: 0: fondée par huit d'anciens employés d'Ubisoft.

    1761: 1: eine der fünf größten Banken Irlands: one of the five largest banks in Ireland: 0: L'une des cinq plus grandes banques en Irlande.

    1761: 2: dürfen nordirische Banknoten drucken: are allowed to print Northern Irish banknotes: 0: autorisée à imprimer les billets d'Irlande du Nord.

    1762: 1: wichtigste Wertpapierbörse Irlands: most important stock exchange in Ireland: 0: la plus importante bourse en Irlande.

    1762: 2: entstanden aus Börsen von Cork und Dublin: emerged from the stock exchanges Cork and Dublin: 0: émergé des bourses Cork et Dublin.

    1763: 1: internationales Unternehmen aus Photovoltaikbranche: internationally operating company in photovoltaic industry: 0: Manufactures mince film solaire.

    1763: 2: Dünnschicht-Solarmodule: Manufactures thin film solar: 0: entreprise opérant au niveau international dans l'industrie photovoltaïque.

    1764: 1: Teil der WMF-Gruppe: part of WMF group: 0: fabricant d'ustensiles de cuisine.

    1764: 2: Hersteller von Kochgeschirr: Manufacturer of cookware: 0: fait partie du groupe WMF allemand.

    1765: 1: VoIP-Software für Smartphones: VoIP software for smartphones: 0: Logiciel de VoIP pour les smartphones.

    1765: 2: kostenlose telefonieren via Internet: provides free Internet telephony: 0: fournit gratuitement la téléphonie via internet.

    1766: 1: Automatisierungsunternehmen: automation company: 0: entreprises d'automatisation.

    1766: 2: vertreibt selbst lernende Raumthermostaten und Rauchmeldern: deals with self-learning room thermostats and smoke detectors: 0: commercialise des thermostats d'ambiance d'auto-apprentissage et les détecteurs de fumée.

    1767: 1: internationale Textilmarke: international textile brand: 0: textile marque internationale.

    1767: 2: Marke gehört zum deutschen Falke-Konzern: brand belongs to German Hawk Group: 0: marque appartient au groupe allemand Falke.

    1768: 1: deutsche Verwertungsgesellschaft: German collecting society: 0: société de gestion collective allemande.

    1768: 2: vertritt Komponisten, Textdichter und Musikverleger: represents composers, lyricists and music publishers: 0: représente compositeurs, paroliers et éditeurs de musique.

    1769: 1: freies Software-Projekt: free software project: 0: se compose des programmes informatiques libres et bibliothèques de programmes.

    1769: 2: freie Computerprogramme und Programmbibliotheken: produces libraries and programs for handling multimedia data: 0: convertis, envoie et reçoit la vidéo numérique et audio.

    1770: 1: mobiles Betriebssystem basierend auf Linux: operating system based on Linux: 0: système d'exploitation basé sur Linux.

    1770: 2: unterstützt Smartphones, Tablets und Netbooks: supports smartphones, tablets and netbooks: 0: prend en charge les smartphones, les tablettes et les netbooks.

    1771: 1: Hersteller von Telekommunikations und Netzwerktechnikprodukten: Manufacturer of telecommunications and networking technology products: 0: Fabricant de produits de télécommunications et la technologie de mise en réseau.

    1771: 2: bekannt für FRITZ!Box: known for FRITZ!Box: 0: connu pour la box Fritz!.

    1772: 1: gemeinnütziger Verein: non-profit organization: 0: organisme sans but lucratif.

    1772: 2: fördert Kenntnis der deutschen Sprache im Ausland: promotes knowledge of the German language abroad: 0: favorise la connaissance de la langue allemande à l'étranger.

    1773: 1: Weltweit größter Anbieter für Personaldienstleistungen: world's largest provider of staffing services: 0: le plus grand fournisseur au monde de services de dotation.

    1773: 2: vermittelt Arbeitsplätze zwischen Arbeitgebern und Bewerbern: conveys jobs between employers and applicants: 0: transmet des emplois entre les employeurs et les demandeurs.

    1774: 1: amerikanischer PC-Spieleentwickler: American PC game developer: 0: développeur de jeux PC américain.

    1774: 2: vertreibt ""Duke Nukem"" Spielereihe: released ""Duke Nukem"" game series: 0: publié la série de jeu ""Duke Nukem"".

    1775: 1: früher bekannt als Sunkyung: formerly known as Sunkyung: 0: anciennement connu sous le nom Sunkyung.

    1775: 2: besteht aus 60 Tochterunternehmen in Energie-, Chemiebranche: consists of 60 subsidiaries in energy and chemical industry: 0: se compose de 60 filiales dans les secteurs de l'énergie et chimiques.

    1776: 1: irische Fluggesellschaft: Irish airline: 0: la compagnie aérienne irlandaise.

    1776: 2: Heimatflughafen Dublin: home airport is in Dublin: 0: aéroport domestique est à Dublin.

    1777: 1: Arzneimittelgroßhändler aus USA: pharmaceutical wholesalers in U.S.: 0: grossistes de produits pharmaceutiques des États-Unis.

    1777: 2: 2001 Fusion mit Amerisource und Bergen: fusion with Amerisource und Bergen in 2001: 0: fusion avec Amerisource und Bergen en 2001.

    1778: 1: eine der größten französischen Geschäftsbanken: one of France's largest commercial banks: 0: l'une des plus grandes banques commerciales de la France.

    1778: 2: herausragende Position im Retailbanking in Europa: outstanding position in retailbanking in 

    Europe: 0: position exceptionnelle des banques retail.

    1779: 1: Telekommunikationsunternehmen: Telecommunication company: 0: les entreprises de télécommunications.

    1779: 2: aus mobilcom AG entstanden: emerged from mobilcom: 0: émergé de MobilCom.

    1780: 1: amerikanische Fernsehserie: American television series: 0: série télévisée américaine.

    1780: 2: Absturz eines Passagierflugzeug: crash of passenger plane: 0: accident d' un avion de ligne.

    1781: 1: amerikanische Actionserie: U.S. action series: 0: série d'action des États-Unis.

    1781: 2: Gefängnisausbrauch Fox River: outbreak from prison Fox River: 0: évasion de prison de Fox River.

    1782: 1: computerspiele Ego-Shooter: Computer games first-person shooter: 0: les jeux d'ordinateur du genre FPS.

    1782: 2: entwickelt von Spieleentwicklern Infinity Ward und Treyarch: developed by the game developers Infinity Ward and Treyarch: 0: développé par les développeurs de jeux Infinity Ward et Treyarch.

    1783: 1: Organisation für angewandte Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdienstleistungen: Organization for applied research and development services: 0: Organisation de services de recherche appliquée et de développement.

    1783: 2: Max-Planck Instiut ist Teil der Firma: Max-Planch Institue is part of the company: 0: la société Max-Planck fait partie de l´entreprise.

    1784: 1: US-amerikanischer Nahrungsmittelkonzern: American food company: 0: entreprise alimentaire américaine.

    1784: 2: Milky Way und Snickers: Milky Way and Snickers: 0: Mars, Milky Way et Snickers.

    1785: 1: US-amerikanisches Informationstechnologie Unternehmen: US-based information technology company: 0: société de technologie de l'information aux États-Unis.

    1785: 2: Hersteller für Router und Modemrouter: manufacturs mainly router and modem router: 0: fournit principalement des routeurs et le modem.

    1786: 1: US-amerikanische Süßigkeiten Firma: American candy company: 0: Entreprise de bonbons américains.

    1786: 2: stellt gleichnamige Süßigkeit her: produces product of the same name: 0: Fournit il ya une sucrerie comme.

    1787: 1: Kraftfahrzeughersteller: Motor vehicle manufacturer: 0: fabricant de véhicules automobiles.

    1787: 2: Peugeot und Citroën: Peugeot and Citroën: 0: Peugeot et Citroën.

    1788: 1: fördert und verkauft Erdöl und Erdgas: promotes and sells petroleum and natural gas: 0: vente du pétrole brut et du gaz naturel.

    1788: 2: Pipelinenetzwerk im Golf von Thailand: pipeline network in the Gulf of Thailand: 0: réseau de pipelines dans le Golfe de Thaïlande.

    1789: 1: Kommunikationssoftware in Unternehmen: Software for communication within companies: 0: logiciel pour la communication au sein des entreprises.

    1789: 2: früher bekannt als Microsoft Office Communicator: previously known as Microsoft Office Communicator: 0: auparavant connu sous le nom de Microsoft Office Communicator.

    1790: 1: internationales Unternehmen mit Firmensitz in Hongkong: international company with headquarters in Hong Kong: 0: société internationale dont le siège est à Hong Kong.

    1790: 2: weltweiter Handel mit Agrarprodukten, Mineralien und metallischen Rohstoffen: trades agricultural products, minerals and metallic raw materials worldwide: 0: vend des produits agricoles, des minéraux et matières premières métalliques au monde.

    1791: 1: größte Erdölgesellschaft Lateinamerikas: largest oil company in Latin America: 0: la plus grande société pétrolière en Amérique latine.

    1791: 2: Bekannt unter Kürzel Petroven: Known by the acronym Petroven: 0: connu sous l'acronyme PETROVEN.

    1792: 1: staatliche Mineralölkonzern in Mexiko: state-owned oil group in Mexico: 0: groupe pétrolière d'État au Mexique.

    1792: 2: Name einer Tankstelle: name of a patrol station: 0: nom d´une station service.

    1793: 1: US-amerikanische Fernsehserie: American television series: 0: série télévisée américaine.

    1793: 2: Hauptrolle James Spader: main role James Spader: 0: rôle principal James Spader.

    1794: 1: Computerspiel Genre Online-Taktik-Shooter: Computer game genre online tactical shooter: 0: jeu informatique en ligne du genre jeu de tir tactique.

    1794: 2: Modifikation des Ego-Shooters Half-Life: Modification of the first-person shooter Half-Life: 0: modification de la first-person shooter Half-Life.

    1795: 1: Deutscher Kochgeschirr-Hersteller: German cookware manufacturer: 0: Fabricant de batteries de cuisine allemand.

    1795: 2: Verbundenes Unternehmen der Vesta GmbH: Affiliate of Vesta GmbH: 0: Affiliation de Vesta GmbH.

    1796: 1: Hersteller von Haushalts-, Gastronomie- und Hotelleriewaren: Manufacturers of household, catering and hotel goods: 0: Les fabricants de ménage, de la restauration et de l'hôtellerie marchandises.

    1796: 2: aus der Metallwarenfabrik „Straub & Schweizer“ entstanden: emerged from the metal goods factory „Straub & Schweizer“: 0: émergé d´une usine de métal „Straub & Schweizer“.

    1797: 1: 3D-Drucker-Hersteller aus NYC: Hardware manufacturer from NYC: 0: fabricant de matériel de NYC.

    1797: 2: stellte Replicator her: released Replicator Desktop 3D Printer: 0: fabriqué le réplicateur.

    1798: 1: Modeunternehmen mit verschiedenen Designern: Fashion companies with several designers: 0: entreprise de mode avec plusieurs designers.

    1798: 2: Gründer Wolfgang Jassner und Klaus Jungnickel: Founder Wolfgang Jassner and Klaus Jungnickel: 0: fondateurs sont Wolfgang Jassner und Klaus Jungnickel.

    1799: 1: Ego-Shooter-Computerspiele-Serie: First-person shooter computer game series: 0: First-person shooter série de jeu d'ordinateur.

    1799: 2: entwickelt von Id Software: developed by id Software: 0: développé par id Software.

    1800: 1: Software von Apple: Software from Apple: 0: logiciel d'Apple.

    1800: 2: Erkennung und Verarbeitung von natürlich gesprochener Sprache: identification and processing of naturally spoken language: 0: identification et traitement du langage naturel parlé.

    1801: 1: Markenname eines am Kopf getragenen Miniaturcomputers: brand name of a head worn miniature computer: 0: nom de marque d'un ordinateur miniature de tête porté.

    1801: 2: Blendet Informationen in Sichtfeld: displays information in field of view: 0: affiche des informations dans le champ de vision.

    1802: 1: international tätiger Betreiber von Kaffeehäusern: Internationally active operators of coffee houses: 0: opérateurs internationalement actives de cafés.

    1802: 2: nach Starbucks zweitgrößte Kaffeehaus-kette: after Starbucks second largest coffeehouse chain: 0: après Starbucks deuxième plus grande chaîne de café.

    1803: 1: Action-Adventure basierte Videospiel-Serie: action adventure based video game series: 0: action aventure série de jeu vidéo basé.

    1803: 2: produziert von Konzern Nintendo: produced by Nintendo group: 0: produit du groupe Nintendo.

    1804: 1: Instant-Messaging-Anwendung: instant messaging application: 0: l'application de messagerie instantanée propriétaire.

    1804: 2: wenige Sekunden sichtbare Bilder: few seconds visible pictures: 0: photos quelques secondes visible.

    Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

    Level 34 symblCrowd Logo Quiz Ultimate Answers

    Level 34 symblCrowd Logo Quiz Answers By Hints

    1. Worldwide conglomerate. Started as a furniture industry. Answer: Steinhoff.

    2. Largest sausage manufacturer in the world. Advertising jingle was part of the American popular culture. Answer: Oscar Mayer.

    3. Salad dressing spread. Manufactured by Kraft Foods. Answer: Miracle Whip.

    4. Brand of beverage cartons. Brand Name applicable in Germany as a synonym for beverage cartons. Answer: Tetra Pak.

    5. Swedish brand name for chocolate products. Manufactured by Kraft Foods. Answer: Marabou.

    6. Crisp bread. Brand Name of Barilla. Answer: Wasa.

    7. Brand of Kraft Foods. Establishes gelatinous desserts. Answer: Jell-O.

    8. American Investment and holding companies. Invested since its inception more than $ 14 billion. Answer: APOLLO.

    9. Global manufacturer and marketer of plastic packaging products. One of the largest plastics packaging producers in the world. Answer: Berry Plastic.

    10. Independent game developer. Known for computer games in the adventure and survival horror genre. Answer: Frictional Games.

    11. Internationally operating franchise real estate companies. Offer includes services related to real estate transactions. Answer: Century 21 Real Estate.

    12. British brown sauce. Is made from the pods of the tamarind tree. Answer: HP Sauce.

    13. Fruit juice drink non-carbonated. Is sold in stand-up bags of 200 ml with drinking straw. Answer: Capri-Sun.

    14. Multimedia news and review site. Include GameSpy and GIGA. Answer: IGN.

    15. Venture-funded start up and Transportation Network Company. Makes a mobile application that connects passengers with drivers. Answer: Uber.

    16. World leader in the field of IT media. Published worldwide over 200 newspapers and magazines. Answer: International Data Group.

    17. Extensive range of nonfiction in paperback format. Conveys complex issues to inexperienced readers. Answer: For Dummies.

    18. Microsoft's first operating system. Used for applications using the access to the hardware require. Answer: MS-DOS.

    19. International active publisher. Focuses on scientific, technical, and medical books. Answer: Wiley-Blackwell.

    20. Space flight simulation with combat and trading elements. Developed by the company's Cloud Imperium Games. Answer: Star Citizen.

    21. Computer game series by Origin Systems. If the survival of mankind in the 27th century. Answer: Wing Commander.

    22. Industrially produced Würzsauce. Today's manufacturer is Kraft Foods. Answer: A1 Steak Sauce.

    23. Game engine. Developed by Crytek. Answer: CryEngine.

    24. German game development company. One of the largest German companies in the computer games industry. Answer: Crytek.

    25. Communication system for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Created by Nintendo. Answer: Miiverse.

    26. Puzzle-like computer game. Appeared for almost any electronic computing system. Answer: Tetris.

    27. Stationary video game console. Manufactured by the company Nintendo. Answer: Wii U.

    28. Free program to optimize your computer. Program removes mainly unused and temporary files. Answer: CCleaner.

    29. Manufacturer of products for the separation of substances. Formerly known as AB Separator. Answer: Alfa Laval.

    30. Computer component manufacturer. The name is a corruption of the word “next.” Answer: NZXT.

    31. American manufacturer of mobile phones. Owned by Google. Answer: Motorola Mobility.

    32. American television series created by Vince Gilligan. Shows the conversion of a chemistry teacher with cancer to a criminal. Answer: Breaking Bad.

    33. U.S. TV station. Shows mainly distinguished Movies. Answer: AMC.

    34. Japanese company that manufactures power tools. The range includes petrol, electric, cordless, and pneumatic tools. Answer: Makita.

    35. German companies in the tourism industry. Abbreviation for Hotel Reservation Service Robert Ragge GmbH. Answer: HRS.

    36. Series of platform video games created by Nintendo. Character is a plumber. Answer: Super Mario.

    37. Survival horror computer game. Developed by Frictional Games. Answer: Amnesia.

    38. American television series. Men of Madison Avenue. Answer: Mad Men.

    39. Swedish company. Specialising in outdoor equipment. Answer: Fjällräven.

    40. Swedish-Danish dairy cooperative. Worldwide, the fourth largest dairy. Answer: Arla Foods.

    41. Scandinavian airline. Member of the airline alliance Star Alliance. Answer: SAS Scandinavian Airlines.

    42. Web storage application. Product of Amazon. Answer: Amazon Cloud Drive.

    43. Smartwatch mit E-Paper-Display. Was funded via the crowd funding platform Kickstarter. Answer: Pebble.

    44. Manufacturer of PC cases, power supplies, and cooling solutions. Slogan: COOL all YOUR LIFE. Answer: Thermaltake.

    45. Unix-like computer operating system. Widely known for the developers' insistence on open-source code. Answer: OpenBSD.

    46. Professional organization for computer graphics. Computer Graphics is the quarterly periodical publication. Answer: ACM SIGGRAPH.

    47. American manufacturer of digital media products. was acquired by Micron Technology in 2006. Answer: Lexar.

    48. French cookware and small appliance manufacturer. Owned by Groupe SEB. Answer: Tefal.

    49. Open source computer operating system. Intended to be binary compatible with applications made for Microsoft Windows. Answer: ReactOS.

    50. Large French consortium. Produces small appliances. Answer: Groupe SEB.

    Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

    Top 6 Screen Recorder Apps For Android

    Have you wondered how to record your game during playing it or anything else on Android without using other camera? Many people already earn some good money by record their game play and upload into YouTube. Game such as Clash of Clans, puzzle games and many more has become a trending in YouTube nowadays. Maybe now your turn to record and share your game enthusiast.

    Screen recorder is different from screen capture or snapshot, screen recorder can record your Android screen in video format while screen capture only can capture your screen in image format.

    These screen recorder apps only work on rooted Android device, see how-to easily root your device (LINK).

    1. Screencast.



    • Require root access.
    • Does not work on Galaxy Nexus or Tegra 2/3.
    • Samsung S3 can set recording mode to "High" in settings.
    • ICS+ devices: Make sure HW Overlay is disabled and "Force GPU Rendering" is enabled from the device's developer options menu.


    • Screencast can captures your phone screen at high frame rates into a high quality MP4 video with audio. It also cane take snapshots of your screen by holding the search key on your phone or enable snapshot by flipping your device.
    • This program includes a gallery to view, play, rename, delete and share your previously recorded videos or screen shots from within the same user interface.
    • Please contact the developer if you have question or issues, before rating the app low. The developer cannot help you if you only post a review and do not email for support.
      You can also hit "Menu" and select "Report a problem" to get support.
    • Screencast complies with the LGPL as it uses libavcodec by FFMPEG for the encoding process. The sources used are from ffmpeg-0.8 release, and compiled without modification.

    2. Secret Video Recorder.

    secret video recoder


    This is a secret spy video recorder. You can record without camera shutter sound and preview. Can start recording screen only with one touch, only record screen in High-Definition (HD). Easily turn screen off and continue recording, can make and receive calls during recording. This app also has been rated 5-stars by CNET.

    In the free version, there is no restriction on the number of video recordings. However, video duration is limited to 30-sec. Free version is ads supported.

    Secret Video Recorder is the ONLY hidden camera app in the market that does background recording so you can use your phone as normal and NO ONE can tell you are recording video.

    • One touch operation for recording start and stop
    • Full HD video (1920x1080) recording
    • Custom icon for launcher so the app is completely discreet
    • Enable flash light during recording
    • Disable Notification icon so there is no screen indication that video is recording
    • Auto split video files so you can record up to all available space on SD card
    • Choose internal or external SD card for storing videos
    • Supports front and back camera
    • Password protected for full security
    • Very few permissions needed so privacy is assured
    • Advanced shutter mute options
    • DropBox and Google Drive sync compatible with the use of free third-party apps

    Additional Features:
    • On supported devices, start recording by long press of the search button
    • Talk on the phone while video recording continues in background
    • Turn screen off and continue recording (on supported devices only). Saves battery and allows long recordings

    • Professional hidden camera
    • CCTV and security video recording
    • Surveillance camera
    • HD video recorder for Android
    • Background video recorder
    • Secret spy camera
    • Spy video recorder
    • Mobile hidden camera for Android
    • Continuous video recording

    3. SCR Screen Recorder Free.

    scr screen recorder


    • SCR screen recorder only works on rooted Android devices, don't install if your device is not rooted.
    • Can record great quality screen casts directly from your phone or tablet.
    • SCR Screen Recorder uses hardware accelerated video encoding to achieve best quality screen recording on any device. It's the only video recorder on the market supporting Tegra device including Nexus 7.
    • If you got stuck with touch indicators (white circles) use "Show Touch Indicators" app to turn it off.
    • This is an early BETA preview version so it may not work on all devices and ROMs.
    • SCR Screen Recorder collects anonymous usage statistics to help track bugs and analyze how users use the app. This software uses unmodified code of FFmpeg 1.2 licensed under the LGPL.

    4. Z - Screen recorder.

    z screen recorder


    • Z-ScreenRecorder needs ROOT ACCESS to works.
    • Z-ScreenRecorder allows to record video directly from the screen of your device and save it in SD memory.
    • It Is designed to create promotional videos of your apps,make tutorials or simply record clips to use as help and for many other purposes.
    • It's extremely simple to use:
      - Execute the app and press "Record" button.
      - Works while it is recording.
      -Tap Z-ScreenRecorder icon in menu or status bar blinking icon to stop.
      -Visit the video gallery to play, send or delete the video.
    • All videos is save in "/sdcard/zausan/Z-ScreenRecorder/"

    5. Screen Recorder (by Hiandroidstudio).

    screen recoder by hiandroidstudio


    This app need ROOT ACCESS of your Android device.

    Screen Recorder captures your phone screen at high frame rates into a high quality MP4 video with audio. You can also choose whether or not to include the voice. Use this screen recording application to record your phone screen during operation into a video. Then share to various video sites, you will be able to visually see the whole operation. For example: an application of operational processes, a perfect game concept. Record and share it via Screen Recorder.

    Operational processes:
    1. Make sure your device has rooted;
    2. Start the application and allow the root permission;
    3. Start the notification bar for recorder or open the shaking bar;
    4. Choose whether or not to include the voice;
    5. Click the recorder bar or shaking the phone for recorder start;
    6. Click the recorder bar or shaking the phone for recorder stop;
    7. Composite video;
    8. View, play, rename, delete and share your recorded videos.

    - Shake to record screen start and stop;
    - One touch operation for recording start and stop;
    - choose whether or not to include the voice;
    - A variety of sizes for users to choose, up to the original screen size;
    - Share to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and etc.

    6. Screen Recorder (by NLL).

    screen recorder by nll


    • This app require ROOT ACCESS.
    • Screen Recorder is free and unlimited screen capture app to record your device's screen to video.
    • Create promotional videos, make tutorials or simply record clips to use as help with audio.
    • It is has different video quality settings and can records sound too.


    Now with these screen recorder apps you can start recording your Android screen and share it in media social with many purposes such as for promotional, tutorial, and even share how-to get highscore in games. You can also make money with your recorded videos.

    You can find and download these screen recorder apps in Play Store, please note some of the apps in the list only a demo, to unlock the full features you need to buy them. These apps may not works on certain Android device model. You need to do trial and error first before buying these apps.